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Discover the most profound experience of sleep...


Sleep is not merely a biological necessity but a profound human experience—an opportunity to connect with our most aligned selves. Modern challenges have disrupted circadian rhythms, not only on a physical plane, but on an psychological and emotional plane too, creating resistance to sleep that traditional solutions fail to address. 


Hi, my name is Derek Lacey, and I am here to help you facilitate the sleep process. I spent 15 years of my life suffering from insomnia, and the last 9 years working as an insomnia coach. My experience on both sides of sleep has led me to curate a ritual for falling and staying asleep that helps you process and repurpose the resistance at the very core of insomnia. 


Being that sleep is the cornerstone of life, this sleep ritual has naturally extended itself as a 24 hour modality for sleeping and living: a framework for being grounded, living in alignment, and operating from the Higher Self, so that you may transform your life beyond sleep.


It is with much delight that I present to you, The Art of Falling Asleep, a reimagined path to sleeping and living. I'd love for you to stay and learn more about TAOFA, for I believe that deeply contemplating the principles and concepts presented here can initiate your transformative journey into deep and meaningful sleep. 


At the foundation of TAOFA’s mission is the pursuit for the most aligned understanding of sleep, from its primary meaning and function, to the unexplored opportunities that sleep is presenting to humanity, so that sleep can be experienced in the most natural, efficient, and adaptive way.


TAOFA seeks the most comprehensive consideration of this very special event, for the purpose of correctness first, so that you the sleeper may dissolve unnecessary contradictions between the perception of sleep's purpose and the actual experience of sleep itself.


At the AOFA, we believe that pursuing the most comprehensive understanding of sleep can transcend most of the modern challenges associated with insomnia. With this deeper understanding, both the challenges and solutions related to sleep can be re-defined and addressed in an entirely new frequency.


The mission of TAOFA is to inspire a movement of sleepers to begin accessing this new frequency every night, connecting to their true selves as a right of passage into sleep, placing them more directly on their soul aligned path during the day, and raising the vibration of them and the planet as a result.

What Makes TAOFA Different?

The Art of Falling Asleep (TAOFA) views humans as occupying a central position in the universe—a bridge connecting the physical realm of the 3rd dimension with the spiritual realm of the 5th dimension. It also regards sleep as life's most profound and all-encompassing experience and not just a means to more energy the next day.


Consequently, TAOFA interprets insomnia as an issue rooted in the 4th dimension rather than the 3rd, where the solutions are linear and often center on addressing physical deficiencies or employing techniques to quiet the active mind, which you'll learn once you begin this practice can't be a root cause.


Since most existing research on sleep centers around what happens when we 'do or don’t sleep,' traditional approaches often emphasize avoiding negative consequences.


This is an inevitable result when not addressing sleep as a deeper, multidimensional experience that has a greater "WHY." In our opinion, this is a shortcoming that negatively impacts sleep psychology, leading to conditions like the fear of not sleeping, by far the greatest motivator for over-relying on pills & supplements.


The clients we work with often do more than enough in the 3rd dimension during the day to "earn" their sleep and don't need another way to "cause" sleep. What’s missing is a ritual that grounds their root chakra, guides them back into their body and places them into the 4th dimension, where the frequency of sleep resides and their natural intelligence for sleep takes over.


It's here in the 4th dimension that the conscious mind establishes coherence with the heart, before the mind is released by the body into the 5th dimension and beyond when the body activates its sleep programs. 


In order to reach the frequency of sleep in the 4th dimension, one must be able to process and alchemize their unconscious resistance to sleep first. 


Insomnia can best be described as the underlying resistance felt when trying to travel directly from the 3rd dimension into the 5th, which is possible because the body demands minimal sleep, but leads people to sleep under tension and therefore experience, short, light, or interrupted sleep. â€‹â€‹


The Art of Falling Asleep is here to help you reach the frequency of sleep by means of processing, releasing and organizing energy, instead of trying to regulate or overpower that disorganized energy externally. 


If you’re ready to learn more about working with us — through the TAOFA lifetime community, 1 on 1, or at an upcoming sleep retreat — please use the link below to schedule a call.


"I discovered that I have full control over my mind and the thoughts and behaviors that create good sleep. I look forward to sleep now and to waking up refreshed. And even though life throws curveballs that inevitably interfere with sleep, the fact that I now know how to get back on track every time is priceless. I know that I’m going to sleep no matter what. Derek, thank you for teaching me the tools and showing me how to become SLEEP CONFIDENT." 

- Millu

"Finding Derek the sleep coach was probably one of the smartest things I’ve ever done. He truly is a miracle worker, it seems so unreal to me, but Derek has transformed my life. I’m now a sleeper! I never thought I would say those words. In less than 6 weeks, he was able to take me from a chronic insomniac to someone who regularly sleeps through an ENTIRE night! He is the real deal, hire him already!"

- Marci

"Derek is a brilliant, compassionate and totally packed with knowledge and experience to help you with not only sleep issues, but the deeper issues that create sleeplessness in the first place. He partners with you to make YOU the expert on YOU and resolve your issues yourself.  He does this all with such an amazing presence, sense of humor and relaxed attitude that it makes it easy to show up and change."

- Vanessa

 "Coaching with Derek has taken me on a journey I never expected to experience. Derek is so easy to talk to and I was able to open up to him and talk about things I wanted to change in my life. My heart is filled with gratitude now that I can sleep soundly every night! I still can't believe it. I am forever changed!”

- Kristen


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